Wednesday, November 18, 2009


As i was looking at my old posts, i saw that both of them had hands as the subject of the picture, well the 1st was more of the globe, but really makes me realise our hands can do many things, god's work. good things bad things. but we dont really realise till we lose it that its important to us. well my hands are still intact but im just do those who do good works with their hands, charity work and stuff kudos! wow i just realised something again....our hands are like the next thing which has 'seen' everything and done everything, we have touched things people and objects, human touch wonderful thing. hmmmm what can i do with my hands? good things i hope and i hope u have too

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Really sometimes i just wanna curl up and just fade away sort of, like so many things are happening, having major exams now, and somehow i feel im not compelled to do well for a reason, most likely thats the truth anyway, but really whats on my mind is my best friend, so many troubles plague our friendship, its just so tough and me just wanting out of it sometimes just really pisses both of us off, sighs what i should i do? cause i know this friendship is meant to be and stilll is, great things are to come, but am i ready i have no clue. sighs what does the world want of me. Or rather what does God want that i can give?

My place

Hi to whoever is reading this, but this blog wasnt meant for mass amounts of people to read, well not anyone i know to read it actually, i just wanted somewhere i can put my thoughts without being asked by it...and not even need an answer, sort of my journal online maybe with God? and maybe with the distant world and vast amounts of people. To me im just another face in the crowd, no emo connotation there but i guess i just want to be hidden away.